Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Time to hit the dartboard again

Oh holy frustration Batman!!! Soo much going on lately, it's been hard to keep up. Seems like we may be past the suspensions from school for now and have been in for 4 days with little or no issues. Just had our first issue in after school care today. Went to the Doctor on Saturday to talk about everything that has happened since Labor Day and he was unresponsive and not at all helpful!!! It's time to move on. Now to find a new Doctor. However, in finding a new Doctor, we face the challenge of possibly a new diagnosis. I am fed up and frustrated with this nonsense. You would think since it was medical it's pretty cut and dry. They all go to school, they all study the same information. If your sick the Doctor is supposed to know whats wrong and how to fix it. We have been calling around to a few new places and basically have come to the conclusion that he needs to be re-evaluated, and possibly involved in some sort of out patient or intensive program.
We also agreed to try the assessment piece of the Brain Balance Program and well the first part of the assessment upset him and he walked out with 30 minutes left to complete it. He did better for the second part but started to get frustrated near the end. His meds have put on soo much weight that he pretty much failed the physical part of the assessment. Now I am waiting on the results of that to determine whats next. They are also supposed to work up a dietary piece and a supplement created just for him.
So now I am questioning everything of course.. Is the diagnosis right? Is the medicine really working?? Did we pick the right school? Do I put him in the hospital? HELP ME HELP HIM!!!!
Who has the right answers? If we switch Doctors, how will I know if they are right or wrong? We've been at this since he was 4 years old, been through 6-7 Doctors and countless Diagnosis changes. I can't even count how many times we've switched meds and later found out it was the meds that were really what was making him worse!!! WHAT AM I DOING TO MY CHILD!!!!
He can't sleep at night, can't wake up in the morning. Doesn't want to do his school work and blows up at the slightest things.. I soo wish I could fix this for him and not have to watch him struggle through all of this. I hate that I cannot make this right for him.
If I had my way (and about $1 million dollars) here is what I would like to do. I want to start a foundation/center for Children with Bipolar Disorder ( or behavior disorders or whatever we are going to call what he has... WHO KNOWS)... and for it to include grants, scholarships, for parents to apply for so they don't have to worry about the cost of medical care, treatments or medications. I'd also like to have a before/after school and even a school center for kids who can't function in regular school and a short term residential care piece where they can be monitored and cared for. I know that bits and pieces of these places exist but for a grander scheme. I want it isolated to certain Diagnosis/Behavior Issues. I also want a library/resource center and parent and child support groups, as well as therapy for the child and the family. All in one place! Is that asking to much? I just need a building, teachers, doctors, volunteers and a staff right?? Sure, as long as I continue to wear my rose colored glasses!
As frustrating as this is for me, I can only imagine how hard this is for my child. I know he's in there somewhere and someday I really hope to find him again!!! I just know that I will never stop looking, no matter what!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kristi you are an amazing mother! Jake is so lucky to have you fighting for him every minute of everyday. Keep writing, you truly have a talent for putting thoughts into words on "paper".