Monday, October 25, 2010

(Almost) One month later

Looking back at posts over the last 2 months, I see a big difference in my writing. About a month ago, both Jake and I were so close to our breaking points and with no help in sight, started looking for new options for the both of us. 9/30/10 was a huge turning point for us. As it started out with a simple appointment but turned into something so much more serious. Admitting him to St V's Inpatient unit was tough on both of us but it was for the best and we both know that and agree. 5 days in in patient then lead us to about 2 weeks of partial inpatient therapy where he went everyday. Now he is only about 2-3 weeks away from graduating from the program (he currently is in Intensive outpatient, going 3 days a week). I went to see him everyday while he was inpatient, had therapy 3 times a week with him in partial and go once a week with him now in intensive outpatient.

Here is the report almost one month later-
things broken in the house- NONE!
aggressive/physical outburst- NONE!
issues at school- One!

We talk a lot about his time in therapy and he told my mom the other day he was HAPPY! We have not heard that from him in a long time. He has been helpful around the house and doing things without being asked. He cleared the dinner table last Thursday night when we had dinner at my mom's house. He helped me clean out the Garage on Saturday and the kitchen, living room and toy room yesterday. Then he asked me if there was anymore we could do!!! :)
He is doing well with his behavior chart, he loves earning his points and is no longer taking his privileges for granted. He went outside yesterday to play with the neighbor boy for about 30 minutes and there was no issues. He was told a certain time to be home and came home 4 minutes early (this has been a problem for us in the past, coming home later than the time he was given). It had been almost 2 months since he had played with the neighbor kid.
We are still having issues with his sleeping arrangements and getting on the bus in the morning but hey, one step at a time and I know not to put too much pressure on him right now.. All in good time, I guess. He's been writing in a journal and a lot more open to talking about things lately as well. I am so proud of him, he is doing so well. We are still looking at this on a day to day basis and there are days where he still does get a little agitated but it has not escalated. He says a few choice words and them pretty much moves on. He also still is stuck on the I only see things MY way but we talk through things, he tells me I'm pissing him off or nagging him, then we move on.. His teachers have all seen the improvements as well, he is working on his school work in school now and coming home with little or NO homework for the past couple weeks now.
After we graduate from St V's, I hope he is able to keep all of this with him when we move on to one on one therapy outside of the Stress Center. Watching him in family therapy always makes me laugh or smile. He is always the first to raise his hand to speak or volunteer me to.. He used to never want to talk in therapy before or to the doctors and would just shut down or give major attitude. I hope he will be able to keep this with him as well. I know we are not fixed and they we may never be but having Jake back has been wonderful. He is an amazing kid who has so much potential and I have such high hopes for his future. If he is able to keep this up and remain this way, I have no doubt, he will succeed and go far. However, if he doesn't, then we also both know that another hospital visit or more time in St V's can help us again if we loose our way or forget how to use and manage our coping skills as we grow up and encounter different experiences and scenarios.

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Unknown said...

I commend you for your courage and your strength to seek what is needed for your son. I found you through your link on Fbook. I can't wait to catch up on the rest of your posts as I have two children (ages 9 and 8) who have been recently diagnosed with bipolar. I also blogg at

I hope to get to know you as time goes by.


Kristi said...

Thanks Mel..Glad to know you are follwing and I will definately check yours out as well. Wow, I can barely handle one, not sure how I could handle 2! It's good to know parents who understand and be able to sound off each other..

Gretchen Seefried said...

I am glad I found your blog. We went through a heart-wrenching few years with our (now 11 year old son too) when it appeared that he might be transgender. Ultimatley he was diagnosed with and anxiety disorder and ADD which together with gender-nonconformance, made him appear transgender( which brings out lots of behavior that is very similar to bipolar). Things are much better now that he is being treated...and I am glad to hear that your Jake is feeling happier.