Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Miracle Cures & Treatments? How far will you go to find one?

OK so I went to an information meeting at a place called Brain Balance today to see if this new program that promises positive results, says no more med's and that it can be reversed was right for Jake and I. We toured the facility and the person giving us the tour was very informative. We even got a free book called Disconnected Kids. The author is the creator of the program. There are only a handful of centers nationwide currently and it's still in experimental stages so insurance is not accepted. The program consists of a 2 part assessment and also includes a blood and urine work up to test levels of certain chemicals that may be lacking or increased due to the disorders and med's. My friend, who went with me felt the program was not right for her and her son, I am still not so sure. It's a 12 week program that they have to attend 3 times a week and the cost is only a whopping $6000!!!
This brings me to today's topic of discussion. If your child suffers from an illness like Bipolar Disorder or ADHD, how far do you go to get him help? How much money, time and energy do you put into it? A treatment program, a miracle drug or even better a supplement you can use INSTEAD of med's? Yes this one is only 12 weeks and in the long scheme things, that is not that long. What if the program needs more time? What if it's not effective? I know there is no guarantee and that we cannot hold back or shy away from these things but what do you do? As a single mother who can't even barely afford to buy food AND make her house payment, can I really afford $6000? If I say no to this program because of the money, am I keeping my child from something that could really help him? He would practically have to miss 2 days of school just for the assessment and then come in for the program 3 times a week. I would love to know some of the things that the assessment will provide and to see about his diet and if he has any other issues based on the blood/urine draw but is there another way for me to get this info? We did the allergy thing about 5-6 years ago. Maybe it's time to do it again. If I knew what the urine and blood test were testing/looking for, I suppose I could have the same tests ran by his doctor. The other thing about this new program is that after all the tests are run, they draw up a diet plan and send the test results to a lab somewhere and they create a powder supplement just for him based on the results. How cool is that! A supplement that is for HIM!!!
But the main focus of this program is ADHD and other neurological disorders like Autism. How will this affect his Bipolar? If the ADHD is under control ,will the Bipolar side quiet a bit? Or will it be worse?
We have also discussed the full time long care facilities for him in the past. However, this is another issue for me that I always struggle with. If it ever comes down to having to make that choice, we do not live near one and I would have to ship my kid off to another state alone to live and go to school in an institution type facility. I would be able to visit but not very often and I wouldn't be able to afford the travel or the time off. Let alone be able to afford the facility.
Am I holding him back? Can I do what needs to be done here? Is this out of my hands? Should money and proximity limit me on treatments for him?
We have switched doctors and med's so many times. The doctors always try to sway me away from anything that is "natural" and want to push the med's and their treatments. Yet supplements are better for you/your body and are natural! If there is a program that teaches you how to train your brain to focus and helps you figure out why you are the way you are, wouldn't you want to give it a try? Should you not be able to do this because you can't afford the program? What is that saying? Only rich people can get better or be treated? Yes I know the doctors need to be paid and all that but why on earth do they have to charge so much money for it. Not only that but Insurance sucks for these kids too. It only covers a small amount of visits and they always need more. They cost of med's for Bipolar and ADHD are crazy insane.
This is the one constant battle I have with myself over the Bipolar issues. I can control how I parent him. I can control him ( sometimes) when he rages out. I can control where he goes to school and what doctors he does go to (sort of)! But this I cannot control and I hate that! I want him to have the best doctor, the best care, the best med's, the best treatment but I'm not sure how far to go to get it! I know that I would do ANYTHING in my power to make sure he gets all these things and if there is a way for it to be done, I will find it! He is not going to suffer or struggle because of money, proximity and time. He is my priority, he comes first. No I won't be robbing any banks anytime soon! Also I hope that I have an understanding employer who allows me time off work without the fear of loosing my job & the insurance. Which so far, has been the case.
I would love to hear form others who are in this struggle or if they have found the Miracle cure/drug/treatment? Let me know!

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