Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Old habits die hard

We are in our second/third week of Jake not having any homework after school most days if not all week. This is HUGE progress for him. He used to refuse to work during school and was sent home with HOURS of homework almost every day. I am not gonna lie.. Homework with a bipolar/adhd kid is NOT fun! I would get frustrated, he'd get frustrated, it would get ugly and I hated it. Over the past few weeks, he's done all his work at school and is no longer bringing home any work at all!! He sees how proud I am and I also know how proud he is of himself. He's trying really hard to make it all week with no homework. He's also had some really good weeks with behavior too.. Not great weeks but close to 80% if not right over, and most weeks are at least 4/5 good days with 1 icky day in there to drop his points down so he can't progress up to the next level and get back into gen ed classes..
We've also instituted a 30 minute no electronic policy each night. No TV, no video games, no cell phones, no computers.. We play card games, board games, puzzles, play Lego's, read together and exercise. The first night he was right at 30 minutes and the TV was back on, second night, was like an 1:15 minutes and it was awesome. He kept pushing it out, "No, let's play another game, let's keep going." He's really liking it and being supportive of the new rule. I am really impressed.
He's still doing well after school on his own but could be a little better with having some stuff done around the house before I get home (Like his toys picked up) but small steps and small victories :)
My biggest thing is looking past the last 5-6 years of how his behavior affected things. How he reacted, how I could predict what he would do in certain situations. His behaviors and reactions have changed, mine not so much. I am working on it though.. Just as hard as he is.. Except sometimes he gets upset with me because he thinks I always see or expect the worst from him. I know we are not out of the woods and this is far from over but for now it seems like he really has this under control and his meds are working and he is making the right choices. I am really very proud of him and will continue to support his progress and do everything I can not to hinder it. Sometimes I do have to remind myself that I am a MOM though. Yeah I am the mom to a Bipolar child.. but I am a MOM. I make the rules. I am in charge. If he breaks the rules he gets consequences. Walking on eggshells and trying to avoid blow ups or rages happens a lot but it's still done with the best parenting skills I can offer!!! Both his med Doc ad therapist were very impressed with his progress at his last doctor appointment and when others see what he is capable of, like I do, it's really a great feeling for both of us!
He is growing up so fast and pretty much continues to amaze me and make me laugh every day. I am a little nerved by the upcoming teenage years but we will get through it together, just like we always do!
I am still active as a Family Response Team member with CABF and I do my best to reach out to those who seem lost, need help or just a little extra support and advice. I finally get to work my first information fair for About Special Kids (ASK) at the end of April. I am looking forward to that. A little nervous though since it will be my first but excited to be able to offer help and support to people who need it.
Spring break is coming up soon and we are heading to Chicago. This will be his first trip there and I am really excited to take him. I know it's not sunny FL or anywhere warm and we will only be there a few days but it will be packed with trips to the aquarium, museums, LegoLand and swimming! Oh yeah and shopping :)

1 comment:

Lorna Gooding said...

It is great hearing about Jake's recent progress! I will continue to pray progress keeps coming. Allen was diagnosed with ADHD almost 2 years ago and recently his psychiatrist said he has Bipolar tendencies. It was weighed on me greatly that it took so long to find a combination of meds that seem to work for him. Has Jake had his tinsils removed? I wondered about the relation between the 2 when the media brought it to light. Allen had his tonsils & adnoids removed March 1 because of them obstructing his airway. Since then, his teacher (and us) have seen a positive change! His acedemic behavior had improved greatly! Allen stays on task longer, completes assignments correctly, reads during hos free time (when he used to walk around and talk; disrupting class). I am not saying a tonsilectomy is the answer for all, but it may be worth the research. It definately seemed to have worked for Allen! We see his psychiatrist again for a test on April 4 and she is expected to adjust his meds nce more (lessen them).