Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year, New Beginnings

OK so wow, it's been awhile since I blogged last.. Guess, I better catch everyone up. We got through the holidays with flying colors and surprising success. (even tho I hate that term, "made it through" because that just sounds so lame and awful!!)
Thanksgiving was quiet as we opted for a small party of 2 meal this year with no extended family. It was stress free and quiet. Christmas, well wasn't as stress free and quiet but no major issues to report there.. Spent A LOT of time with family, running around, being away from home, blah blah blah.. BUT he did great.. Had 1 or 2 issues that could have escalated into his old behaviors but they didn't. I think he did better with the holidays then I did.. but as a mother, it was easy to "keep up appearances."
( but that's a log for another day)
We are back to school now after 2 weeks off and 2 days in, we have had 1 good day & 1 well- not so good. Around the time of my last blog, we had an issue with after school care and since the end of November, he has been staying home by himself after school. He's been doing great and has taken really well to the responsibility.So proud of him!!
So with good things to report so far, I will keep this short. Still not physical violence, no damaged property and the outbursts are small and easily contained these days. Still battling with some med issues tho health wise and hoping to get that under control soon. The med's are doing great right now for the behaviors but causing some issues with weight gain & fatigue. Good Luck to you all out there in the bipolar world & here is to a Happy, Healthy & Successful New Year!!

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