Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Resource Day

Wanted to do some sharing today of some really helpful resources I use or that I have come across. Today's resources are all available online.

The biggest one I want to share is http://www.bpkids.org/ for CABF- Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation. They are a wonderful website full of resources, educational materials, support groups, chat rooms and a family response team. I am a chat room moderator and a member of the FRT. They are also involved in the Pepsi Refresh Project currently in the running for a $250 grant. There are over 5 million U.S. youth who live with depression or bipolar disorder. Unfortunately, a very small percentage receive treatment. CABF will use the grant from Pepsi to raise public awareness and help more youth who suffer from depression or bipolar disorder. Please visit the site and remember to vote. We have 2 weeks left and are already up to 5th place. There are 3 ways to vote every day.

Another great site for behavior charts which is very effective and helpful for these kids is http://handipoints.com/printable-chart/. You can print off charts for the kids to earn stickers or behavior points, etc. They also have charts for Chore's, Studying, Fitness, Hygiene,Health to help motivate them.

Here is a website with a Crisis Contract that you can complete online or print out and complete http://mindyourmind.ca/toolbox/self-management/coping-kit.
This is good for the child to have something in writing so they know consequences for behaviors and also coping skills to avoid them.

This is a local (Indiana) resource but it could be useful if you want to check it out. http://www.aboutspecialkids.org/Default.aspx. They are a good place for resources and they offer training courses.

WrightsLaw is a wonderful resource and from the website you can narrow it to your state. http://www.yellowpagesforkids.com/help/ptis.htm On this site you will be able to find Directory of Parent Training and Information Centers (PTI) and Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRC). This is a good resource for education and advocacy.
Another one affiliated with WrightsLaw and advocacy is http://www.wrightslaw.com/info/advo.index.htm. This one lays out all of the things a parent needs to know about being an advocate for their child.

Another one for steps to become a parent advocate for your child is http://specialed.about.com/od/iep/a/advocat.htm.

The Complete IEP Guide: How to Advocate for Your Special Ed Child can be found at http://www.thefreelibrary.com/The+Complete+IEP+Guide%3a+How+to+Advocate+for+Your+Special+Ed+Child.-a059644182

I don't know how many Facebookers we have out there.. but on Facebook some of my favorite pages for bipolar kids are: CABF,Empowering Parents, Parents of Bipolar Children and Comorbid diseases, life with a bipolar child, Bipolar Awareness- Stop the Stigma, NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). Also I did find one for the kids to join as well.. Children dealing with Bipolar with the family unit. This page was created to help guide and support children dealing with bipolar within the family to give the kids somewhere to rant and rave about dealing with Bipolar.

But since the kid is home sick today and now asking for Mommy, it's time to sign off.. Hopefully, this list will get you started and I will add more later from books or other resources. If there is anything you would like more info or anything you need further research one just let me know!

Good Luck & stay tuned.
I had hoped the links would appear so that you could click on them but for some reason they didn't. So if you have trouble accessing them let me know and I will get the information to you another way.

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