Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ready for Spring

Wow, ok so yet again I promise to keep this more up to date and I am a slacker. Sorry folks!! So here goes.
The past 2 weeks have been good for Jake. School has been better, he's not bringing home much or any homework these days and he seems to really see a difference in himself when he has good days and does this. He's happy!!! He tries really hard to accomplish this. Still having those issues at school with his little potty mouth however.. Yes folks, my 11 year old sweet innocent.. oh wait.. never mind.. my 11 year old cusses like a sailor and is rude and obnoxious! But hey at least he's not breaking windows, beating people up or breaking teachers toes.. Right?? Silver lining? Positive thinking?? Small Victories where I can find them??
Meds seem to be ok for now but we still have room to increase doses if we need to. I like the combo he's on now and hope it continues to work.
The weather has caused some issues but not as bad as I thought it would. He's bored a lot but not being destructive or anything.. A little more on the hyper side but I will take the high side to bipolar any day over the low side with him. He's been spending a lot of time with his Lego's but really wants to get outside and play, travel and have fun. I think he gets that from me LOL
He got his grades up from last grading period too.. :)
He's eating a lot better these days too. Eating a lot of fruit but still need's to get more active. So ready for spring to be here.
We are planning a pretty fun trip for Spring Break. It's only going to be a few days and close to home, sadly no place warm but hopefully we will be able to do that over the summer! Mommy really needs to get some things in order and straightened out but that's another story for another time.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cabin Fever has set in

Ok well gotta love winter in the Midwest.. Or is it just Indiana weather? Last week.. we were buried under a few inches of ice then several inches of snow and there was no school FOR 4 DAYS!!!! I managed to hang in for 2 then had to have mom step in and take him the other 2.. Since I would also have him for the weekend.. Oh wait, I'm a mother, I should be happy to spend 24/7 with my child right?? Shhh, don't tell anyone. I'm already in the running for mother of the year, I don't need this to tarnish my rep!!! LOL
I finally got the doc to put him on a new med and we didn't go the Prozac route, we put him back on Geodone. He has been on this before, but she started him on the lowest possible dose.. So far.. it seems to work well with the trileptol but I can definitely see it being increased as well.. So hopefully with the med change, we can get back on track, get school back under control and keep the weight down too. We've backed off group therapy for awhile too so I hope he gets back into that. He doesn't like this one as much as the one at St V's but I hope he gets there one of these days. Group therapy seemed to really work for him.
Not much else to report tonight but promise to be more current with the updates and resources.