Friday, July 30, 2010

Playing Catch up & Other Randomness

Well summer is almost over. It's been kinda crazy but I promise at some point this blog will find it's direction and purpose. However now is not that time. Jake had a great summer for the most part with a few rough spots due to the Bipolar. We had another hospital scare and another possible arrest on his record. We decided to do some med changes and we are still trying to see if that is going to work. So stay tuned. We both love the new house and the new neighborhood and he seems to be really excited about the new school!!!
Now on to the me portion of this blog! For those who are keeping track (which at this point is no one) I am still single and yes it still sucks. I took a year off from the dating thing to concentrate on me and my son.. but that year is up and it's time to move on (ok so it's actually amost been 2 years now).. I have decided that although there is some freedom in being single, I really do want someone in my life to keep me balanced, sane & centered. Notice however I did not say NEED. I got to go to South Bend and see one of my closest friends who I miss every day since she moved away. We had a good time, we cut loose, we acted like we were still in our 20's. It was a good time. Met some really great people, one in particular but I am not talking about that just yet.. Trying not to anyways. I would really like to get back out there, see whats available and wouldprefer not to use a dating site for it. Haven't had much luck there and really don't get the concept of having to pay for it!!!!
Have been doing pretty well with the money saving thing/coupons/freebies but still waiting on a lot of that stuff to arrive and working a lot harder on the grocery coupons but still not doing as well as I'd like to with that. No great deals to report today - but then again- who would I report them to??
I have been doing a lot of research on the Bipolar Disorder. Checked out a handful of books from the library, read them, took notes, copied chapters! Made a binder broken down into sections, About Bipolar, Treatment, Parenting and School. Hopefully we will get a handle on this for him soon and we will be able to move forward instead of always feeling stuck or going backwards. I learned a lot from my research!
I need to start my writing again but I can't figure out what direction I want to take with that either.. HA HA common theme.. yeah I know.. I guess I have a lot to put in perspective.

More later.