Wednesday, August 18, 2010


OK so yeah, I stated yesterday that I would focus on and devote this blog to all things Bipolar. However todays entry is on a different topic.. ME, you remember, the one I really hate talking about and rarely ever will. Good, well at least I know you are paying attention! But in order to share my "life according to bipolar" stories, which do obviously include and involve me, than I guess this is somewhat loosely related to the topic at hand. With that being said, as I tell this little story about me, I guess I may also need to cover other things that may appear in my blog from time to time.
I don't air my life out on Facebook or any other social media for all to see, and so far I only have one reader (besides me!!) of this blog but I will not hold back on here. I may keep names out of it but you may show up in an entry on occasion. If you are in my life, well then you are part of my story!
WARNING- this next part may need to come with a warning label of some sort..
It's been a rough couple of days here in Kristiland. Some things are way out of my control and I just need to let them go and move on, which I am doing but the other little things, the ones I am in control over are slowly starting to drive me batty. I am not going to use this time to whine and complain (which is something you will rarely ever hear me do) because that won't change anything. It won't make my problems magically disappear. There is nothing I can do about it, so don't ask me if there is anything you could do to make things easier on me. If there was something that could be done, don't you think I would already be doing it. I know there are also people out there who believe that things can be changed and choices can be made. Sure I can give as great advice as the next guy and everything but live my life, wear my shoes.. then you can give me advice, that I might consider following. Ok yes, I know, my life is no worse off than most people out there and there are tons of people out there who are worse off than I am so I am not asking for or looking for sympathy.. I am the independent one who takes care of her own crap!!! No Damsel in Distress here!!! That was never a role I was born to play. I will get out of this and I will move on and come out stronger then I was before, I have no doubt about that! Just give me some time, let me do it on my terms and don't stand in my way!
On that note.. Have a good day!!!
Tomorrow, I will start in on all things Bipolar!!! Stay Tuned.

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