Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Big Red Binder

As previously promised, here is the contents to the Big Red Binder. I usually update the blog while at work (shh don't tell anyone) and don't have the binder with me. But due to some medicine complications my son and I are spending the next 2 days at home.
Apparently on Tuesday, he had some issues with sleeping in class which inadvertently led to him having an outburst, getting upset and hurting a teacher. Result- 2 day in school suspension. Yesterday- day 1 of ISS- he told me he slept off and on most of the day. Today, apparently he slept ALL morning. So none of his work was getting done, ( and of course it ALL got sent home for us to complete). He finally woke up and wanted lunch. They told him, no lunch until you get some work done, which resulted in a meltdown. Shortly after, I get the call to come get him only to find out that it's for the rest of today and tomorrow as well. Work is really gonna love that!!! NOT! But what else can I do?
I am waiting on a call from his doctor to maybe adjust some dosages and we are also going to try and go without the melatonin at night for a few days. If that doesn't work, they I will start him on a lower dosage of that as well.

So on to the Big Red Binder.
Section 1 About Bipolar Disorder
Section 2 Treatment, Therapy & Med's
Section 3 Parenting
Section 4 School

Other than having several pieces I've found on the Internet, (which I will share some of the sights later) Here are the 5 books (so far) that are in the binder broken up by chapters into the sections listed above.
Bipolar Disorder- A guide for Patients & Families by Francis Mark Mondimore MD

What Works for Bipolar Kids - Help and Hope for Parents by Mani Pavuluri, MD, PhD

Parenting a Bipolar Child- What to do and Why by Gianni L Faedda MD & Nancy B Austin Psy.D

New Hope for Children & Teens with Bipolar Disorder by Boris Birmaher, MD

The Ups & Downs of Raising a Bipolar Child - A Survival Guide for Parents by Judith Lederman & Candida Fink MD

I pretty much have the basic stuff in the About Bipolar and the Treatment sections. Chapters that discuss the diagnosis and all of the various treatment options including med's & therapies.
I skipped over a lot of the first parts of each book that all talked about, so you think you might have Bipolar, Now what?? Well, we already know we have it..

Under the Parenting Section, I have chapters like The Role of the Family, The Structure of Daily Life, Relationships, Parenting with Poise: The Secret Ingredient for Success, Keeping the Peace at Home, Building Social Skills for Positive Friendships, Living with a Bipolar Child, Irritability:What to do?, & Managing your child's behavior problems. (Hello Run-on sentence)..

Under the School Section, I included chapters and information on Finding the Best School Setting & Programs for your child, Forming a Partnership with your Child's Teacher, School Decisions & Solving Your Child's Academic Problems.

A lot of the information is the same even from book to book but it's nice to get different perspectives on things when it comes to Childhood Bipolar. One thing we learn early on, there is no ONE prominent cure or treatment and what works for one child, may not work for another. I also like to get the perspectives from both Doctors and Parents on these issues. Sometimes the parents are the better experts on this than the Doctors are.

Some other books in my personal Bipolar Library (not in the Big Red Binder) are:

Your Defiant Child- 8 Steps to better behavior by Russell A Barkley PhD & Christine M Benton

The Everything Parents Guide to Children with Bipolar Disorder by William Stillman

Transforming the Difficult Child- The Nurtured Heath Approach by Howard Glasser & Jennifer Easley

I also have a workbook called Helping Your Angry Child- A workbook for you and your family which includes worksheets, fun puzzles & engaging games to help you communicate better.

Another thing I really like is that there are actually Kids books out there on Childhood Bipolar and anger problems. Books that kids can read to help them better understand what is going on with them. We have a few..

How to take the Grrr out of Anger by Elizabeth Verdick & Marjorie Lisovskis

If Your Angry and you Know it by Cecily Kaiser

Brandon & the Bipolar Bear

Stress Relief for Kids - Taming Your Dragons by Martha Belknap

I also have a handful of other books on Defiance, ADHD, Anger, etc. Have I read them all? No Way!!! I reference them a lot on occasion, then I forget about them for a long time and think oh yeah, I have all these books so I look through a few of them again. I've also recently discovered an abundance of information on the Internet. But that is a blog for another day.. Hope this helps a little bit for those of you out there looking for a little more information and a lot more help!!! Do you need ALL these books? Nope, probably not. As I stated before a lot of them pretty much say the same things, especially the medical ones. But I am starting to branch out a bit here recently and I am starting to do a lot more research on the more NATURAL approaches for treating Bipolar Disorder in Children. I will keep you posted on what I find out and if any of you out there are currently using any alternative forms of med's or treatments, I would love to hear about it. Do you have a favorite book you like to refer to? A favorite website? Please share that as well.

As the blog progresses, I will take sections from the Big Red Binder, focus on certain books and or chapters and I will continue to share my stories of our day to day life. I will also share websites and links as well.

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